Listing tests

To build and list all tests in a workspace1, cd into the workspace and run:

cargo nextest list

cargo nextest list takes most of the same options that cargo nextest run takes. For a full list of options accepted, see cargo nextest list --help.

Output of cargo nextest list


Doctests are currently not supported because of limitations in stable Rust. For now, run doctests in a separate step with cargo test --doc.

Options and arguments

List tests in workspace

Usage: cargo nextest list [OPTIONS] [FILTERS]... [-- <FILTERS_AND_ARGS>...]

  [FILTERS]...           Test name filters
  [FILTERS_AND_ARGS]...  Test name filters and emulated test binary arguments (partially supported)

  -v, --verbose       Verbose output [env: NEXTEST_VERBOSE=]
      --color <WHEN>  Produce color output: auto, always, never [env: CARGO_TERM_COLOR=] [default: auto]
  -h, --help          Print help (see more with '--help')

Package selection:
  -p, --package <PACKAGES>  Package to test
      --workspace           Test all packages in the workspace
      --exclude <EXCLUDE>   Exclude packages from the test
      --all                 Alias for --workspace (deprecated)

Target selection:
      --lib                Test only this package's library unit tests
      --bin <BIN>          Test only the specified binary
      --bins               Test all binaries
      --example <EXAMPLE>  Test only the specified example
      --examples           Test all examples
      --test <TEST>        Test only the specified test target
      --tests              Test all targets
      --bench <BENCH>      Test only the specified bench target
      --benches            Test all benches
      --all-targets        Test all targets

Feature selection:
  -F, --features <FEATURES>  Space or comma separated list of features to activate
      --all-features         Activate all available features
      --no-default-features  Do not activate the `default` feature

Compilation options:
      --build-jobs <N>        Number of build jobs to run
  -r, --release               Build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations
      --cargo-profile <NAME>  Build artifacts with the specified Cargo profile
      --target <TRIPLE>       Build for the target triple
      --target-dir <DIR>      Directory for all generated artifacts
      --unit-graph            Output build graph in JSON (unstable)
      --timings[=<FMTS>]      Timing output formats (unstable) (comma separated): html, json

Manifest options:
      --manifest-path <PATH>  Path to Cargo.toml
      --frozen                Require Cargo.lock and cache are up to date
      --locked                Require Cargo.lock is up to date
      --offline               Run without accessing the network

Other Cargo options:
      --cargo-quiet...          Do not print cargo log messages (specify twice for no Cargo output at all)
      --cargo-verbose...        Use cargo verbose output (specify twice for very verbose/ output)
      --ignore-rust-version     Ignore `rust-version` specification in packages
      --future-incompat-report  Outputs a future incompatibility report at the end of the build
      --config <KEY=VALUE>      Override a configuration value
  -Z <FLAG>                     Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo, see 'cargo -Z help' for details

Filter options:
      --run-ignored <WHICH>    Run ignored tests [possible values: default, ignored-only, all]
      --partition <PARTITION>  Test partition, e.g. hash:1/2 or count:2/3
  -E, --filter-expr <EXPR>     Test filter expression (see 

Output options:
  -T, --message-format <FMT>  Output format [default: human] [possible values: human, json, json-pretty]
      --list-type <TYPE>      Type of listing [default: full] [possible values: full, binaries-only]

Reuse build options:
      --archive-file <PATH>       Path to nextest archive
      --archive-format <FORMAT>   Archive format [default: auto] [possible values: auto, tar-zst]
      --extract-to <DIR>          Destination directory to extract archive to [default: temporary directory]
      --extract-overwrite         Overwrite files in destination directory while extracting archive
      --persist-extract-tempdir   Persist extracted temporary directory
      --cargo-metadata <PATH>     Path to cargo metadata JSON
      --workspace-remap <PATH>    Remapping for the workspace root
      --binaries-metadata <PATH>  Path to binaries-metadata JSON
      --target-dir-remap <PATH>   Remapping for the target directory

Config options:
      --config-file <PATH>
          Config file [default: workspace-root/.config/nextest.toml]
      --tool-config-file <TOOL:ABS_PATH>
          Tool-specific config files
          Override checks for the minimum version defined in nextest's config