Machine-readable output

cargo-nextest can be configured to produce machine-readable JSON output, readable by other programs. The nextest-metadata crate provides a Rust interface to deserialize the output to. (The same crate is used by nextest to generate the output.)

Listing tests

To produce a list of tests using the JSON output, use cargo nextest list --message-format json (or json-pretty for nicely formatted output). Here's some example output for camino:

% cargo nextest list --all-features --lib --message-format json-pretty
  "rust-build-meta": {
    "target-directory": "/home/rain/dev/camino/target",
    "base-output-directories": [
    "non-test-binaries": {},
    "build-script-out-dirs": {
      "camino 1.1.6 (path+file:///home/rain/dev/camino)": "debug/build/camino-02991de38c555ca1/out"
    "linked-paths": [],
    "target-platforms": [
        "triple": "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
        "target-features": [
    "target-platform": null
  "test-count": 5,
  "rust-suites": {
    "camino": {
      "package-name": "camino",
      "binary-id": "camino",
      "binary-name": "camino",
      "package-id": "camino 1.1.6 (path+file:///home/rain/dev/camino)",
      "kind": "lib",
      "binary-path": "/home/rain/dev/camino/target/debug/deps/camino-1bdca073ddd4474a",
      "build-platform": "target",
      "cwd": "/home/rain/dev/camino",
      "status": "listed",
      "testcases": {
        "serde_impls::tests::invalid_utf8": {
          "ignored": false,
          "filter-match": {
            "status": "matches"
        "serde_impls::tests::valid_utf8": {
          "ignored": false,
          "filter-match": {
            "status": "matches"
        "tests::test_borrowed_into": {
          "ignored": false,
          "filter-match": {
            "status": "matches"
        "tests::test_deref_mut": {
          "ignored": false,
          "filter-match": {
            "status": "matches"
        "tests::test_owned_into": {
          "ignored": false,
          "filter-match": {
            "status": "matches"

The value of "package-id" can be matched up to the package IDs produced by running cargo metadata.

Running tests

This is currently an experimental feature. For more information, see Machine-readable output for test runs.