Per-test overrides

Nextest supports overriding some settings for subsets of tests, using the filter expression and Rust conditional compilation syntaxes.

Overrides are set via the [[profile.<name>.overrides]] list. Each override consists of the following:

  • filter — The filter expression to match.
  • platform — The platforms to match.
  • Supported overrides, which are optional. Currently supported are:
    • threads-required — Number of threads required for this test.
    • test-group — An optional test group for this test.
    • slow-timeout — Amount of time after which tests are marked slow.
    • leak-timeout — How long to wait after the test completes for any subprocesses to exit.
    • success-output and failure-output — Control when standard output and standard error are displayed for passing and failing tests, respectively. Values supported are:
      • immediate: display output as soon as the test fails. Default for failure-output.
      • final: display output at the end of the test run.
      • immediate-final: display output as soon as the test fails, and at the end of the run.
      • never: never display output. Default for success-output.
    • and — Whether to store output for passing and failing tests, respectively, in JUnit reports.


retries = 1

filter = 'test(/\btest_network_/)'
retries = 4

platform = 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'
slow-timeout = "5m"

filter = 'test(/\btest_filesystem_/)'
platform = { host = 'cfg(target_os = "macos")' }
leak-timeout = "500ms"
success-output = "immediate"

When --profile ci is specified:

  • for test names that start with test_network_ (including test names like my_module::test_network_), retry tests up to 4 times
  • on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, set a slow timeout of 5 minutes
  • on macOS hosts, for test names that start with test_filesystem_ (including test names like my_module::test_filesystem_), set a leak timeout of 500 milliseconds, and show success output immediately.

Override precedence

Overrides are configured as an ordered list. They're are applied in the following order. For a given test T and a given setting S:

  1. If nextest is run with --profile my-profile, the first override within that matches T and configures S.
  2. The first override within profile.default.overrides that matches T and configures S.
  3. If nextest is run with --profile my-profile, the global configuration for that profile, if it configures S.
  4. The global configuration specified by profile.default.

Precedence is evaluated separately for each override. If a particular override does not configure a setting, it is ignored for that setting.


retries = 0  # this is the default, so it doesn't need to be specified
slow-timeout = "30s"

filter = 'package(my-package)'
retries = 2
slow-timeout = "45s"

retries = 1
slow-timeout = { period = "15s", terminate-after = 2 }

filter = 'package(my-package) and test(/^flaky::/)'
retries = 3

If nextest is run with --profile ci:

  • Tests in my-package that begin with flaky:: are retried 3 times, and are run with a slow timeout of 45 seconds.
  • Other tests in my-package are retried 2 times and are run with a slow timeout of 45 seconds.
  • All other tests are retried up to one time and are run with a slow-timeout of 15 seconds. Tests that take longer than 30 seconds are terminated.

If nextest is run without --profile:

  • Tests in my-package are retried 2 times and with a slow timeout of 45 seconds.
  • Other tests are retried 0 times with a slow timeout of 30 seconds.