Running tests

To build and run all tests in a workspace1, cd into the workspace and run:

cargo nextest run

This will produce output that looks like:

Output of cargo nextest run

In the output above:

  • Tests are marked PASS or FAIL, and the amount of wall-clock time each test takes is listed within square brackets. In the example above, test_list_tests passed and took 0.052 seconds to execute.

  • Tests that take more than a specified amount of time are marked SLOW. The timeout is 60 seconds by default, and can be changed through configuration.

  • The part of the test in purple is the binary ID for a unit test binary (see Binary IDs below).

  • The part after the binary ID is the test name, including the module the test is in. The final part of the test name is highlighted in bold blue text.

cargo nextest run supports all the options that cargo test does. For example, to only execute tests for a package called my-package:

cargo nextest run -p my-package

For a full list of options accepted by cargo nextest run, see cargo nextest run --help.

Binary IDs

A test binary can be any of:

  • A unit test binary built from tests within or its submodules. The binary ID for these are shown by nextest as just the crate name, without a :: separator inside them.
  • An integration test binary built from tests in the [[test]] section of Cargo.toml (typically tests in the tests directory.) The binary ID for these is has the format crate-name::bin-name.
  • Some other kind of test binary, such as a benchmark. In this case, the binary ID is crate-name::kind/bin-name. For example, nextest-runner::bench/my-bench or quick-junit::example/show-junit.

For more about unit and integration tests, see the documentation for cargo test.

Filtering tests

To only run tests that match certain names:

cargo nextest run <test-name1> <test-name2>...

--skip and --exact

Nextest does not support --skip and --exact directly; instead, it supports more powerful filter expressions which supersede these options.

Here are some examples:

Cargo test commandNextest command
cargo test -- --skip skip1 --skip skip2 test3cargo nextest run -E 'test(test3) - test(/skip[12]/)'
cargo test -- --exact test1 test2cargo nextest run -E 'test(=test1) + test(=test2)'

Filtering by build platform

While cross-compiling code, some tests (e.g. proc-macro tests) may need to be run on the host platform. To filter tests based on the build platform they're for, nextest's filter expressions accept the platform() set with values target and host.

For example, to only run tests for the host platform:

cargo nextest run -E 'platform(host)'

Displaying live test output

By default, cargo nextest run will capture test output and only display it on failure. If you do not want to capture test output:

cargo nextest run --no-capture

In this mode, cargo-nextest will run tests serially so that output from different tests isn't interspersed. This is different from cargo test -- --nocapture, which will run tests in parallel.


Doctests are currently not supported because of limitations in stable Rust. For now, run doctests in a separate step with cargo test --doc.

Options and arguments

Build and run tests

Usage: cargo nextest run [OPTIONS] [FILTERS]... [-- <FILTERS_AND_ARGS>...]

  [FILTERS]...           Test name filters
  [FILTERS_AND_ARGS]...  Test name filters and emulated test binary arguments (partially supported)

  -P, --profile <PROFILE>  Nextest profile to use [env: NEXTEST_PROFILE=]
  -v, --verbose            Verbose output [env: NEXTEST_VERBOSE=]
      --color <WHEN>       Produce color output: auto, always, never [env: CARGO_TERM_COLOR=] [default: auto]
  -h, --help               Print help (see more with '--help')

Package selection:
  -p, --package <PACKAGES>  Package to test
      --workspace           Test all packages in the workspace
      --exclude <EXCLUDE>   Exclude packages from the test
      --all                 Alias for --workspace (deprecated)

Target selection:
      --lib                Test only this package's library unit tests
      --bin <BIN>          Test only the specified binary
      --bins               Test all binaries
      --example <EXAMPLE>  Test only the specified example
      --examples           Test all examples
      --test <TEST>        Test only the specified test target
      --tests              Test all targets
      --bench <BENCH>      Test only the specified bench target
      --benches            Test all benches
      --all-targets        Test all targets

Feature selection:
  -F, --features <FEATURES>  Space or comma separated list of features to activate
      --all-features         Activate all available features
      --no-default-features  Do not activate the `default` feature

Compilation options:
      --build-jobs <N>        Number of build jobs to run
  -r, --release               Build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations
      --cargo-profile <NAME>  Build artifacts with the specified Cargo profile
      --target <TRIPLE>       Build for the target triple
      --target-dir <DIR>      Directory for all generated artifacts
      --unit-graph            Output build graph in JSON (unstable)
      --timings[=<FMTS>]      Timing output formats (unstable) (comma separated): html, json

Manifest options:
      --manifest-path <PATH>  Path to Cargo.toml
      --frozen                Require Cargo.lock and cache are up to date
      --locked                Require Cargo.lock is up to date
      --offline               Run without accessing the network

Other Cargo options:
      --cargo-quiet...          Do not print cargo log messages (specify twice for no Cargo output at all)
      --cargo-verbose...        Use cargo verbose output (specify twice for very verbose/ output)
      --ignore-rust-version     Ignore `rust-version` specification in packages
      --future-incompat-report  Outputs a future incompatibility report at the end of the build
      --config <KEY=VALUE>      Override a configuration value
  -Z <FLAG>                     Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo, see 'cargo -Z help' for details

Filter options:
      --run-ignored <WHICH>    Run ignored tests [possible values: default, ignored-only, all]
      --partition <PARTITION>  Test partition, e.g. hash:1/2 or count:2/3
  -E, --filter-expr <EXPR>     Test filter expression (see 

Runner options:
      --no-run            Compile, but don't run tests
  -j, --test-threads <N>  Number of tests to run simultaneously [possible values: integer or "num-cpus"] [default: from profile] [env: NEXTEST_TEST_THREADS=] [aliases: jobs]
      --retries <N>       Number of retries for failing tests [default: from profile] [env: NEXTEST_RETRIES=]
      --fail-fast         Cancel test run on the first failure
      --no-fail-fast      Run all tests regardless of failure
      --no-capture        Run tests serially and do not capture output

Reporter options:
      --failure-output <WHEN>
          Output stdout and stderr on failure [env: NEXTEST_FAILURE_OUTPUT=] [possible values: immediate, immediate-final, final, never]
      --success-output <WHEN>
          Output stdout and stderr on success [env: NEXTEST_SUCCESS_OUTPUT=] [possible values: immediate, immediate-final, final, never]
      --status-level <LEVEL>
          Test statuses to output [env: NEXTEST_STATUS_LEVEL=] [possible values: none, fail, retry, slow, leak, pass, skip, all]
      --final-status-level <LEVEL>
          Test statuses to output at the end of the run [env: NEXTEST_FINAL_STATUS_LEVEL=] [possible values: none, fail, flaky, slow, skip, pass, all]
          Do not display the progress bar [env: NEXTEST_HIDE_PROGRESS_BAR=]
      --message-format <FORMAT>
          Format to use for test results (experimental) [env: NEXTEST_MESSAGE_FORMAT=] [default: human] [possible values: human, libtest-json, libtest-json-plus]
      --message-format-version <VERSION>
          Version of structured message-format to use (experimental) [env: NEXTEST_MESSAGE_FORMAT_VERSION=]

Reuse build options:
      --archive-file <PATH>       Path to nextest archive
      --archive-format <FORMAT>   Archive format [default: auto] [possible values: auto, tar-zst]
      --extract-to <DIR>          Destination directory to extract archive to [default: temporary directory]
      --extract-overwrite         Overwrite files in destination directory while extracting archive
      --persist-extract-tempdir   Persist extracted temporary directory
      --cargo-metadata <PATH>     Path to cargo metadata JSON
      --workspace-remap <PATH>    Remapping for the workspace root
      --binaries-metadata <PATH>  Path to binaries-metadata JSON
      --target-dir-remap <PATH>   Remapping for the target directory

Config options:
      --config-file <PATH>
          Config file [default: workspace-root/.config/nextest.toml]
      --tool-config-file <TOOL:ABS_PATH>
          Tool-specific config files
          Override checks for the minimum version defined in nextest's config